10 Things You Had No Idea Could Go In The Crock Pot

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Crockpot Lasagna 2-fb

If your family is anything like mine, then you don’t typically drag the crock-pot out for anything other than having a roast on St. Patty’s Day. Or, maybe you depend on your crock-pot so much that you’re running out of ideas on what to put in it. Don’t worry, Buzzfeed is here to help you out.

Brownie Pudding Cake

Maybe you don’t even know what this is. Just imagine brownie and pudding combined into a cake-like substance. And, what’s easier than putting it in the crock-pot and leaving it sit?

Mac and Cheese

You can make some delicious looking mac and cheese in your slow cooker. Who knew?

French Onion Soup

Apparently a really easy way to make French Onion Soup (and a lot of it depending on the size of your slow cooker) is by putting it in your crock-pot.


There are a lot of different types of oatmeal out there, so I won’t get specific about the kind. Just know that the next time that you have to make oatmeal, you could easily put it in your crock pot and try out something new!


You might not have thought about it before, but it’s totally possible to cook your enchiladas in a crock-pot! Not the whole thing wrapped up in the tortilla, mind; just the meaty insides. Still cool though!

Baked Potatoes

Instead of putting it in the oven, just wrap the potatoes individually in tin foil and put it in the crock-pot! Look up recipes before you start cooking to get it just right!


I don’t know what the pros and cons are of cooking your lasagna in the slow cooker rather than a pan in the oven, but hey, it’s worth a shot!

Poached Pears in Caramel Sauce

The recipe looked so yummy, that I just had to share it. But, if you can make this delicious recipe in the crock-pot, think about all of the similar things that you can make!

Peach Cobbler

Staying on the subject of fruits, you can also make peach cobbler in your slow cooker. Again, I don’t know how exactly it’s going to be different from cooking it in the oven, but it’s worth a shot!

Yeast Rolls

If the potatoes weren’t indication enough, you can totally bake rolls in your crock-pot. Specifically, yeast rolls. Who would have thought?

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