See a demo of what the folks in the land down under will be seeing
There will be a total eclipse of the sun on November 13.
However, if an adventure to Australia is not in your budget for this fall, you won’t be seeing it with your own two eyes.
“It will only be visible in the South Pacific,” says Geauga Park District Astro-nat Wayne Kriynovich. (Wayne and Chris are your astronomy-centric naturalists…astronats…get it?)
Instead, join Observatory Park’s naturalists for a planetarium demonstration of a total eclipse of the sun during the Visitors from Outer Space programs on Fridays, November 9 and 23, at 7 p.m. as well as The Sky Tonight Planetarium Show every Sunday in November at 2 p.m.
There will not be a planetarium program on November 13, the day of the actual eclipse. However, Wayne reminds us, “Don’t forget to circle April 8, 2024, on your calendar when there will be a total eclipse of the sun in Northeast Ohio!”
Learn more about Observatory Park .
Geauga Park District is online, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.