5 Ways to Speed up Your Thanksgiving Dinner Cleanup

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It is Thanksgiving. You have spent hours and hours cleaning, shopping, prepping and cooking. The absolute last thing you want/need to do is spend just as many hours cleaning up the mess that you are left with after dinner has finished. However, I am going to share with you some tips for cleaning up after your Thanksgiving dinner.

Before Dinner:

1. Cover your Counters

Before you get to work cooking and carving, it is a good idea to cover your countertops and other cooking spaces with either plastic wrap or newspaper. Though it may not look the prettiest while you are getting work done, your counters will look immaculate after the dinner is over and you pull up the cover. This will save you time and energy! No more scrubbing those cranberry sauce stains out of your countertops!

2. Clear the Fridge

Cleanup will be a breeze if you have already cleared space for leftovers in your fridge or freezer. You can even have your leftover containers sitting in the fridge as space-holders as a reminder to not fill that space while you continue to cook!

3. Soak in Suds

One of the easiest ways to clean your dirty dishes quickly is by leaving them to soak. NestRefresh.com suggests dropping pots and pans into some warm suds as soon as you can. They even go as far as suggesting that you make use of extra plastic tubs or garbage cans by filling them with hot soapy water and throwing dishes in as you go – storing them out of sight. That way, the dishes you used for cooking can soak, out of sight out of mind, while you enjoy that dinner you worked so hard for.

After Dinner:

4. Use Baking Soda

If you have really greasy dishes, make use of your baking soda – or what is left of it after you have cooked and baked your way through your pantry. An easy thing to do is fill an old salt, pepper, or other spice shaker with baking soda. After you scrape larger food items off of greasy dishes, shake on some baking soda. It is a fast way to break down food and grease!

5. Recruit and Relax

HouseLogic.com suggests cranking up some up-tempo tunes to get bodies moving and give you a second wind. The music will encourage a quicker clean up. Also, the more hands the better. After dinner, break into teams and see how fast you can finish. Some examples of teams would be the dish team, leftover team, sweeping team, and, if you use cloth napkins and tablecloths, the laundry team! Allow your family to give you thanks by helping you clean up!

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