10 Little-Known Facts About Garrettsville
As history demonstrates, Garrettsville has gone through seasons of hardships and periods of focused growth.
As history demonstrates, Garrettsville has gone through seasons of hardships and periods of focused growth.
In announcing the sale she stated “I am happy that the house will be preserved and will be used for a purpose that honors its history.
Your July 4th celebration will take on a whole new depth after you take a few minutes to read these quotes and this speech.
“This is a great opportunity for the local community to get involved and work together to continue to make the School an asset to their community,”
In 1798, Abraham Honey was the first European settler to drive a stake, put up a cabin, and settle down
The event will feature some of Kent’s most unique and historic homes and gardens within walking distance of downtown Kent.
Carol Denzinger, pictured, was the guest speaker at the April meeting of the Mantua Historical Society
The Mantua Historical Society (MHS) held its’ last meeting on March 17th, where we featured a Show and Tell session after our meeting.
I think St. Patrick’s Day has to be one of the most unknown, misrepresented holidays out there!
Do you know when this day was first declared a national holiday?